Want a Better Way to Manage Twitter?

12 Key Strategies to Increase Your Twitter Engagement

Are you struggling to get noticed on Twitter? Perhaps it’s what you Tweet! For many of us who often run out of creativity thinking of things to Tweet can be a burden so let’s get you started. Here are 12 key strategies that can increase your Twitter engagement and help you take advantage of what Twitter can do for your business.

twitter-engagementIn order to increase your engagement you must tweet baby tweet! The most common type of tweet falls into Informational or Static, Tips or Advice, Inspirational, Appreciation, or Question.


#1: Create the Right Blend of Content

Be helpful, give your followers useful information that they expect. Mix up your posts to include content you create and content created by others. Think about what your audience needs such as, How To Guides, Blog Posts, White Papers and Videos. Be inspirational with quotes and helpful hints.

#2: Don’t be Selfish

On Twitter it’s not all about you, be sure to share content from others. The general rule is around 80/20 content from other to your own. Find great blogs that you read often on your topic and share them regularly. This is a great opportunity to gain new followers as well as increase your engagement. Give credit where credit is due with @mentions.

#3: Personalize Your Tweets

When sharing others content take a moment to personalize the message instead of just hitting the Tweet button with the standard text. Creating a personal message shows your followers that you have an opinion about the post and it is indeed worthy of sharing.

#4: Keep it Simple & Clear

Twitter is about 140 characters for a reason. Don’t stuff your message with unnecessary technical jargon or abbreviations that no one understands. You should not make your post challenging to interpret. People are looking for quick, clear and informative information.

#5: Keep it Short

Keep your Tweets to around 100 characters If you want to get retweets. Make it easy and inviting by leaving room for people to include their own commentary. Statistics show that shorter tweets definitely improve engagement.

#6: Headlines

If you don’t first grab their attention you have very little chance of getting noticed. Create headlines that stand out and are relevant to your audience. You have very little time make an impression so your headline should come at the beginning of your post.

#7: Use #Hashtags

Hashtags serve multiple purposes. They are a great way to clarify the topic of your Tweet. They also serve as their own call to action. You should always use hashtags wisely by verifying the meaning before you use it and making sure they are indeed relevant to your post. There is nothing worse than seeing tweets with hashtags that do not apply.

You should limit the number of hashtags you use to 1 or 2, never more!

#8: Use Images & Graphics

Mix up the type of content you share by using images. Stagger your posts as to not overwhelm your followers. Use images to stand out and get noticed!

#9: Includes Links

Tweets with links receive 86% higher Retweet rates than Tweets with no links according to a study from SalesForce.  This means that not only do you have the potential to drive traffic from the link itself but you also get the benefit that happens when others share.

#10: Call To Action

Make sure you include a clear call to action with important Tweets. You would not create a landing page without having a purpose, your tweets should follow the same rule. If you don’t know what you want the user to do with your tweet you probably shouldn’t send the post. Your communication should always have a purpose.

#11: Ask For ReTweets

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want once in a while, don’t wear out your welcome on this one. Be sure to say please and if you really want to increase your odds spell out the word retweet in its entirety. If you use the retweet request sparingly on your most important tweets only you may just be surprised by the positive response from your followers.

#12: Share Often

You can improve your odds of engagement by sharing at the right times and by repeating your important Tweets. Not all of your followers will be online at the same time. You need to be Tweeting 24/7! The easiest way to accomplish this is by using automated tools that allow you to schedule your tweets in advance. Get to know your audience and give them what they want when they want it!.

Twitter can be an important part of your social media. Make the most out of your Twitter experience by following these 12 key strategies to increase your twitter engagement.

What do you think? What Twitter strategies do you use to create engagement? Please leave your comments below.

About the Author

Laura Kimball is the CEO of Click Measure Media. She combines internet marketing with software development expertise to deliver marketing automation tools. Grab your free Twitter Tool at morefollow.com Follow on Twitter, LinkedIn

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12 Key Strategies to Increase You Twitter Engag... - Reply

[…] Are you struggling to get noticed on Twitter? Perhaps it’s what you Tweet! For many of us who often run out of creativity thinking of things to Tweet can be a burden so let’s get you started.  […]

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